The ultimate guide to the difference and similarities between Aqua Dragons and Sea Monkeys.
It feels like it has been 200 million years in the making, but the result is worth the effort! Introducing our Jurassic Time Travel ragne of Aqua Dragons tv spot
11 Interesting facts about Aqua Dragons!
1. Yes, they are alive, many people still think they are some kind of gimmick!
2. Choose the moment you bring them to life just by putting the eggs in the water!!
Meet one of Aqua Dragons biggest fans. Thomas Ullrich, a 46 year old brine shrimp kit (artemia salina kit) enthusiast and kit collector from Germany.
Aqua Dragons are Аква Драконов! Read about our expansion into the Russian speaking markets.
Ja! Aqua Dragons are going to Scandinavia! Read about our expansion into the Nordic market with Nordic Toys as our partner....